The Bear Family - Big Story Book+ ссылка на аудиоматериал (бесплатно).

The Bear Family - Big Story Book+ ссылка на аудиоматериал (бесплатно).

АРТИКУЛ: 9781471596087
2 677 руб
Цена за 1 шт.: 2 677 руб
Цена от 10 шт.: 2 142 руб
Цена для зарегистрированных преподавателей: 2 142 руб

These Big Story Books aim to build pupils’ early literacy skills, stimulate pupils’ imagination and help them learn about the world around them. Pupils get familiar with sounds and language while they enjoy the stories. The lively illustrations help pupils understand the story while they increase engagement.

The audios and videos (downloadable) bring the stories to life.

The Big Story Books can be used with The Flibets series as they recycle vocabulary and structures presented in each unit.

Express Publishing
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